Gastroscopy is an endoscopic examination of stomach and oesophagus. A telescope is inserted under local anaeshtesia from mouth.
Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of large intestines. A telescope is inserted from anus under anaeshtesia. A laxative solution is given a day prior to cleanse colon for visualization.
ERCP is an endoscopic examination of bile duct and pancreatic duct. Its highly skilled procedure used for diagnosis and treatment of Bile duct stones, Stricture of bile duct, complications of Gall bladder surgery and cancer.
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Blood in vomiting
Blood in Stool
Lump in abdomen - Tumour
Fluid in abdomen - Ascites
Persistent Vomiting
Difficulty in Swallowing
Persistent Diarrhoea
Chronic Constipation
Weight loss
Consult at ease and covenience on Sunday 10 am - 12 pm.
Schedule Surgery on Sunday without additional charges.